Care of your pieces

Jewellery pieces are delicate and should be treated with care.
Take off the jewellery when washing your hands and avoid contact with cosmetic products and chemicals of any kind as they can accelerate the oxidation of the pieces or damage their finish.
When you are not wearing them, I recommend  keep them in their original packaging.

Sterling Silver Jewellery

Silver naturally oxidises over time and when exposed to air and humidity.
Avoid contact with chemicals as this can oxidise more quickly or damage the finish of the pieces.
To clean your pieces, gently wash them with warm water and baking soda, using an old toothbrush, then polish them with a soft cotton cloth.
Avoid knocking or dropping your jewellery and exposing it to cosmetics and cleaning products.
Gold-plated jewellery
Gold plating consists of a thin layer of gold on silver. Over time, this plating wears off and the shine of silver appears. How long this takes depends on the use, wear and tear, and the care you take with the pieces.
Avoid contact with water, cosmetics, detergents and chemicals of all kinds.
Take off your jewellery when washing your hands and taking a bath.
When you are not wearing them, please store them in their original packaging, away from your other jewellery, to avoid scratching them or wearing away the plating.

Bronze jewellery

Bronze is the metal that oxidises the fastest, naturally and over time.
To preserve its colour, clean your jewellery regularly with a jewellery polishing cloth.
You can also clean them more thoroughly with warm soapy water, using an old toothbrush and dry them well with a soft cloth.
If you want to brighten the bronze or restore more of its colour, I recommend using a jewellery polishing cream (polishing creams clean the jewellery giving it a shiny finish. If you want to keep your pieces satin-finished, I recommend you not to use these creams).
Remove your jewellery when washing your hands or bathing.
Avoid exposing them to sea water, cosmetics, detergents and chemicals of all kinds.
When not in use, keep them in their original packaging.

And remember that when you use them, that's when they look their prettiest. Enjoy them! :)